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WCU Stories


Design for Health group awarded $70k grant to assess housing needs of elderly in WNC

The $70k ASID grant will support the resilient and age-inclusive design assessment framework project that will be used to evaluate the social determinant of health outcomes of older adults in WNC.  

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Graciella | A Day in the Life

Find out what a normal day in the life of Graciella, a student here at Western Carolina University!  

Watch The Video  

Stacey Miller

Stacey Miller named director of alumni engagement

Stacey R. Miller, former associate athletics director for student success, has been named the university’s next director of alumni engagement.  

ka group

Kappa Alpha alumni raise $170K in WCU Greek Challenge, pushing fraternity’s total above $1 million

The Delta Alpha chapter of the Kappa Alpha Order at WCU raised more than $170,000 for the Catamount Club, the university’s fundraising organization for Catamount Athletics.  

alexandra graduation

New Hampshire family establishes nursing scholarship to honor memory of '17 alumna

The family of the late Alexandra Puntin Pilsbury has established a scholarship to benefit future nursing students at WCU in memory of the 2017 graduate of the School of Nursing who died after a battle with cancer.  

nursing alleghany health

School of Nursing explores rural nursing at critical access hospital

WCU students enrolled in the RNPC internship spent three days in Sparta this fall and were exposed to a variety of care settings as part of their capstone clinical course.  

Brian Byrd

WCU receives $150k award for mosquito-borne La Crosse encephalitis research

The University of North Carolina Collaboratory has given WCU a three-year, $150,000 award that will allow Brian Byrd and his students to identify environmental and behavioral risk factors for La Crosse encephalitis in WNC.   

bk program

Birth-Kindergarten Program receives momentous grant

The Birth-Kindergarten Program was recently awarded an $868,885 grant by the Dogwood Health Trust for Leadership, Equity and Access Fellowship in Early Childhood Education.   

amy fagan nasa

Faculty member part of NASA moonwalking test mission

Amy Fagan, associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, recently had the opportunity of a lifetime, serving on the NASA moonwalking test mission team for Artemis III, which is part of the Artemis missions.  

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